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"Be smarth , be prepared"
"We are a Multi-Purpose
Development Centre that cares for
the future"

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Welcome to a new year 2014 where we make your dreams come true join us in making a different in human's life

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About us
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Hi ,Galaxy Version Media House Foundation understand today's challenges that we face each and everyday as the community so we are working so hard to ensure we deliver the best for our communities.

Today's challenges

Galaxy Version Media House Foundation offers its communities challenge opportunities, leadership and commitment. Our strong perfomence in accomplished by strong perfomers and at GVMH Foundation expectations of perfomance are higher than most. We provide guidance and counselling to help you achieve that goal for those who willing to work hard , who want to learn and grow , the company offers opportunities filled with excitment and challenge. We work hard of being the "opportunity company" and committed to promoting from within whenever possible
The role of Galaxy Version Media House Foundation within sociaty is to provide the support people needs to realse their dreams , in order to successfully carry out this mission, we must constantly strive for development inovation and remain a corporation driven by energy and passion. Our brand symbol accurately represents this ambitious , so we are detimined and dedicated to provide solutions based on today's challenges as mentioned down:
»Lack of jobs
»Lack of Knowledge
»No much money
»Healthy issues

»Lack of jobs
»Lack of Knowledge
»No much money
»Healthy issues

*loss of skills
*Escalation of crime due to unemployment
*HIV/AIDs and other healthy issues
*Loss of counselling &support services

Development by sactor

Galaxy Version Media House Foundation is a training community based organisation in a proven models of media,tourism,social development,art and culture, agriculture, clothing and printing, Technology, healthy ,education ,environment, economic and business development compaigns builds local capacity to improves the quality and effectiveness of life of the community awareness ,provide information and develop skills to build a social movement towards education that acknowledges the right to health,we are therefore commited towards driving our economic forward and attract investment to ensure the creation of sustainable jobs for reduction of poverty,crime ,drugs and abuse.
°Healthy Care
°Arts and Culture
°Tourism and Leisures
°Social Development
°Business Development
°Economic Development
°IT and Telecoms
°Food and Beverages

Our History

Galaxy Version Media House Foundation is pontential ,succefull business that has been growing sinc 2009 till now we started as a film production ,arrenging events ,producing films, music ,we worked with young people and the community during the communication and the understang that we had with our industry we started to grow a passion and love with helping people ,introducing opportunity to them ,what we found during our research we have get that lot of people are talented out there but unemployed that where we decided to establish a foundation that will develop ,create jobs opportunities ,we have also found our industry with a lot of business opportunities to grow our economic sactors ,we have been working for success with our strong board team has put so much love and trust in this work and we came up with strong marketing team ,with proffesional skills invested for our done projects.

What are we doing?

To us the world is our inspiration,so our tradition of giving back is deeply rooted and inspired, we are federally recognized , dedicated to giving back. Our organisation has played a long-term role in the support of a number of well respected communities ,projects and growing entrepreneurs. We have ongoing relationships with many and we are please to contribute to their success toward improving our communities. The foundation and our partners support a wide range of charitable causes.
*Making a world of difference, GVMH Foundation is changing the world the country and we will continue to donate our time, effort and skills to the community
Our organisation enjoys remarkable macro-economic ,social stability and pro-business environment which makes us logical ,one of the entry points we have made is to boasts a diverse range of stable and growing economic part of our country ,we are therefore committed towards driving our economy forward and attract investments to ensure the creation of sustainable jobs essential for the reduction of poverty. Amongst the leading sactors that we tageted , these are some of the focal points that we continuously develops strategies to ensure they sustainably contribute to socio-economic transformation through the creation of job and business opportunities for the citizens. Being strategically we are supporting a highly enterprising citizenry and vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, to claim its sizeable stake in the world s market and all that is required is to instil confidence and determination in our business fraternity to ensure that our entrepreneurs do seize the opportunities offered by the globalisation of the country s economy.
During the research that we have done when we start the company the above data was collected in the graph.
Volunteer to other NPOs:
*GVMH Foundation works to achieve a tolerat use the talent , skills we have to play a part in other NPOs, just and inclusive society by reforming, to sponser and manage collaborative funds , fiscal sponserships , special projects and other initiatives , we are uniquely positioned to provide donors , we also partner with NPOs by using our event planing skills to fundraise for their special projects in their social justice goals and strengthening their philanthropic efforts , with the world of philanthropy we are a hybrid of sorts , we are engaded in supporting the community , as such we have developed an expertise and resources that enable us to work both side of philanthropic relationship.
*We also donates with our work and time to develop growing NPOs.
Small Business Development
*We also offer a business consulting for small businesses and offer a range of servuces that can assist business entrepreneurs and buyers in the process of buying or starting a business , we also specialise in preparing professional business plans and we recommend contacts for funding process ,raise finance or securing loans. All communication will be handle by our team with the presence of our clients which will secure the process.
Galaxy Version Media House Foundation therefore implimented a policy to realise its aspirations ,which consists a few key commitments:
¤To drive :economic forward, fight poverty ,crime ,drugs ,unemployment and create better planet.
¤To be pro-active: being broad-minded and well informed in order to act quickly and resolutely
¤To seek new knowledge: pioneering potential through self-study and insatiable curiosity.
¤To play a part: to our social economic , give back to the communities
¤To communicate well: to harmonise diverse skills by thinking out of the box and to communicate effectively with others.
¤To despay integrity: to work with diligence and sincerity as respomsible individual.
Meeting needs, exceeding expectations; is our vision for the future ,this entials:
¤Providing communities with new value that exceeds their expections.
¤Sustaining growth through a break with the past and passionate commitment by one and all.
¤To undertake the market in the targeted areas.
¤Maximising our understanding of light to lead the way towards transformation and new future
¤Maintaining integrity in order to contribute to social prespority
¤Supply and management of training facilities and equipment
¤Organisation of achievement conferences , events and exhibitions.
¤To classify the external environment into tageted sactors.
¤Reassess learning needs by market segment from a future orienation
*To help people who are unemployed find jobs and supply extra hand for NPO sactor
*Improves the standard of living of the community
*Provides education and training for the community
*Grant bursaries to the learners from the community to further their education and training
*Provide financial resources to improve the infrastructure.
*Suistain good relatinship with other businesses in the community.
*Any other relavant reason related to benefits of CSR for communities.
*Respect leaders who play a good role in the communities with their leadership skills.
*Respect for people, communities and the environmenment
*Building relationship with stakeholders, business and the community
*To promote self employment by introducing business opportunities.
*Form partnerships with other businesses in eliminating crime , substance abuse , unemployment , HIV/AIDs & other health issues , poverty.
*Acts on behalf of our members in dispite resolution
*Monitors the implementation of matters affecting the infrastracture.
*Previously disadvantaged people may find job opportunities easly through the skill development programme.
*Create a better home for street kids and live safty life.
*As a community builder company that work on the developments of young minds of africa , we not only focusing in one country since we have representative in few countries to show big caring we have for our planet to help the citizen live financial free.
(working togather we can do more, let work as a team to save the world and achieve the best)
The continuing development of skills and acknowlege throughout life is valuable to both business and individuals plus it is essential for our continued economic wellbeing. Furthermore, a business is a growing concern , and its most precious asset , its human capital ,so it need lots of hand ,further investment to support this sactor which brings to mind the need for companies to do more than simply look at their skills levy as a legal compliance issue. Business needs to involve in developmental objectives and sustainable development to help in the fight against poverty. In the response to the growing need for affective skills development solutions ,targets were set through national policies such as the National Skills Development Strategy(NSDS) and the Skills Development Act NO 97 of 1998(SDA), which was promulgated to ensure that a larger portion of the workforce:
»Achieves recognation for work experience and acknowledge gained on-the job, where formal education has not been accessed; and has access to both formal and vacational training ,through which they could continue personal learning and development , achieve higher level qualifications and improve their skills sets in order to enhance their career option
»The aim to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the society, to provide support for student in many ways, but particulary ,through its skills development programme ,Research funds, scholarships ,busaries and codes of practice.
»An partnership body with a mission to make the country more innovative by meeting the diverse needs of students ,the economy and society as to build a dynamic and competitive country economy ,creating the conditions for business success, promoting innovation, enterprise and society, and giving everyone the skills and opportunitties to succeed.
(working togather we can do more, let work as a team to save the world and achieve the best)
These are the key words that has build our conclusion slogan, dreams ,vision ,culture , promise ,aim and solution:
(all dreams are the vision of culture that promise a better aim solution)
»Our dream is to see business being conducted ethicall for common good of all ,by providing improved service delivery and easy access to all basic services.
»Our vision is to live in a free country, crime rate failling ,corruption and offenders being rehabilitated into our communities.
»Our culture is biblical based foundational truths being tought in schools, churches ,cultural centres and to the next generation.
»Our promise is the value, quality ,to deliver and goodness of life being projected through the lens of media, arts & entertainment and the platforms of the other targeted sactors
»Our aim is to bring upliftment and humanitarial welfare to disadvantaged communities our development program ,training ,leadership development as well as enterprise development and spiritual care.
»Our solution is systemic poverty being eradicated and every person having 3healthy meals a day, having better education ,home , right skills and better jobs.
THANK YOU:(as our special thanks to all who contributed to recent initiative)
It would not have been possible to reach out our mision to develop the community withouth the assistance of a great number of people in many and varied ways and to them we owe a debt of gratitude. We would like to express heartfelt thanks to community businesses ,companies who donated and support our initiatives ,volunteers ,the organisation team ,community business people ,partners ,department of social development, our most companionable fellow partners ,other organisations and the community.
Since the lounch of our organisation a few years ago, many needy people have benefitted to our social compaigns , aim to touch peopl's life ,the recent initiative to assist people from disadvantaged communities ,students collecting busaries ,books ,our talent search ,film project and the fundraising events we had people had contributed a lot and we thank them(find the list of them to our CEO's blog)
We have recently note our country still faces huge socio-economic challenges. Moral degeneration ,poverty ,decay of inner city centres , lack of health and social support in rural areas , unsafe environment ,high unemployment levels and widening income gaps are some of the examples. In response our organisation have developed social reconstruction initiative which aims to address and help where feasible ,bring high standard life to everyone ,so we still request open heart to partner with us ,more hands can make a huge difference in our socio-economic.
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Contact us for our beautiful different decorations for your events that suit your standard, need and value of your events , we make your vanue look beautiful for the day.
Events planning
Galaxy Version Media House Foundation
Postnet suite 164
Private bag x013

Where to find us?
We are located at the east side view of the city ,surbab call KwaMsane ,N2 road :
KwaMsane Reserve
Endlovu Village
LOT 2343
Mtubatuba 3935

Information Arts Centre
N2 Road , Zamimpilo Community Market
KwaMazala Mtubatuba 3935

Registered number:127-707NPO
Social development REFNO : APP-13/140445

Do you think the govenment is doing enough to invest in small business?

2014©copywright .Galaxy Version Media House Foundation®Reg NO.:127-707 NPO